Is POA Membership Required?

Membership in the Lakeland Park Property Owners Association is voluntary.

Are dues required for membership?

If you are a lot owner in the Lakeland Park Subdivision or Lakeland Park Waterfront or have otherwise provided proof of deeded access to the park (aka easement), dues are not required. However, it is strongly recommended that you contribute funds to the POA that maintains the park in order to maintain this asset. Doing so helps to ensure that this asset continues to add value to property owned by Lakeland Park Subdivision & Waterfront property owners.

Dues are mandatory for POA Honorary membership.

Who can be a member of the Lakeland Park POA?

Any property owner in the Lakeland Park Subdivision,which plat is recorded in Vol. 7, Page 119 of the plat records of Travis County, Texas or Lakeland Park Waterfront may be a member of the Lakeland Park Property Owners Association. The Board of Directors may also issue a limited number of Honorary Memberships.

What are the benefits of POA Membership?

For Lakeland Park Subdivision & Waterfront Property Owners, membership extends voting rights in POA elections. Voting gives the member a voice in how the Association is managed, including input into maintenance and improvement initiatives for the neighborhood park.

Honorary membership allows residents living outside the subdivision access to the POA neighborhood park, boat ramp and docks.

How often does the POA meet?

As per the POA Bylaws, the Board of Directors will meet annually in April and at the Board's discretion, have a second meeting in September. Special meetings may also be called. Notices of meetings will be made on this website. Members will also receive notice by email if they are signed up on the POA email list.